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Actual production photo shows RMT-92311 as LONG ISLAND RAIL ROAD #443 painted in the LIRR “Goodfellow colors” (as they are often referred to)...a smoke gray body and orange ends and pilots. This LIRR paint scheme was applied to all diesels as they went into the shop for maintenance and repainting, and the entire diesel roster was completed in grey/orange by 1959 when the 'Dashing Dan' herald started appearing. The first timetable to have 'Dan' was in September 1959, although he was introduced in the April 1957 Long Island Railroader employee magazine.
'Dashing Dan' appeared on locomotives, passenger cars, work equipment, cabooses, and printed and promotional material. This herald and logo had a circle with a base with “The Long Island Rail Road” in it.
This well-known LIRR grey-orange paint scheme still exists today (2011) as the LIRR/MTA has repainted at least 2 EMD switchers in this 'heritage' paint scheme