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Photo shows RMT-4743 BETH STEEL #30-Johnstown, PA Plant. A Special Custom Run Limited Edition in 2006 for EMERY DISTRIBUTORS, Easton, PA.
Realistic BETHLEHEM STEEL inter-plant railroad switching locomotive colors of orange and black painting and lettering. Available in 4 different BETHLEHEM STEEL plant location numbers as RMT-4741 BS #10, RMT-4742 BS #20, RMT-4743 BS #30 and RMT-4744 BS #40.
Each roadnumber relates to a specific BETHLEHEM STEEL plant location and a different work location for each named plant ...
RMT-4741 BS #10 Bethlehem, PA plant - BLAST FURNACE
RMT-4742 BS #20 Steelton, PA plant - FOUNDRY
RMT-4743 BS #30 Johnstown, PA plant - ROLLING MILL
RMT-4744 BS #40 Sparrows Point, MD plant - COKE PLANT