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Photo shows RMT-96711 LIRR/LONG ISLAND #4113, part of a 2-car set as LIRR #4113-4114.
In 1950, the LIRR began its seperation as a subsidiary component railroad of the PRR/PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. This new railroad adopted a herald that showed a map of Long Island, the new railroad's area of operation. The LIRR then began using this herald on its fleet of diesel locomotives and railcars. This LIRR ore car set shows how this distinctive paint scheme could have been applied to the LIRR's freight car roster.
Ore-type cars were part of the LIRR's freight car roster and can still be seen in LIRR maintenance service.
Each car is sublettered with reference to Aquebroque, NY...a station on the LIRR's North Shore mainline.
Grey with blue/black/white LIRR lettering and numbers. This car set continues the previous K-LINE LIRR Ore car Set but with different roadnumbers and upgraded painting/lettering.