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The first timetable to have indicated Dashing Dan was in September 1959, although he was shown in the April 1957 Long Island Railroader magazine.
Thus, the Dashing Dan logo/scheme appears after 10/1959 as the FM C-liner diesel units arrived in the paint shop. These units sported colors of a lighter charcoal gray (which has been nicknamed: "Goodfellow gray"), orange nose ends, and pilots. This scheme was also applied to all diesels as they went into the shop for maintenance and repainting. This practice continued until 1964 when the C-liners were removed from service and replaced by the ALCO C-420 road units.
Dan first made his "official" appearance to the public on the back cover of the 1956 LIRR Annual Report.
"Dashing Dan," was the image created to personify the LIRR's slogan, "The Route of the Dashing Commuter."
Sand loading at the former LIRR customer in Aquebouge, NY is referenced on each LIRR car and shows a sand load.
The LIRR colors of gray and orange have been previously replicated on RMT BANG S-4 diesel, BEEP diesels, traditional size boxcars in 2 color versions, covered hopper car, depressed center flatcar and caboose...all of which were made over 10 years ago and are no longer available from RMT...but still very collectible.