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I am an O/O-27 collector, operator and I must admit, player of electric toy trains. Just this week I became aware of your company via my membership in the Yahoo Marx Train Group. One of the members mentioned your company in one of his posts so I decided to visit your online store. Much to my pleasure, I really enjoyed my trip to your store. So much so, that I placed an order for all of the USMC pieces that you currently offer. What a delightful consist those pieces make. Thank you for providing an entire line of wonderful products that promote the fun of toy trains. My first train, which I still have and play with, was delivered by Santa Claus in 1956. My Lionel 2018 steam locomotive still smokes and rumbles down the tracks just like it did more than 50 years ago. It is my hope to pass along those experiences and joys to the next generation and your line of trains is well suited for that task. Thanks again and I'll be back again soon for more fun items.
Item shown is RMT-621-63-1 as USMC #70141 Coal Hopper.