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These little trains are top-notch models. They are durable, work perfectly, look great and don’t break the bank. The Wingerter Halo Belt Line now operates four of the little workhorses. Aside from their obvious value, which is what brought the first BEEP onto my layout, they are fun. BEEPs are like polka music, you cannot help but smile when they are around.
This Christmas I will be giving my nephew his first train set. Instead of giving him a traditional box set, I’ve decided to start him off with a BEEP and a few cars. The RMT BEEP is sure to be the seed that grows into a life long hobby.
I hope you enjoy the attached image. My Erie Beeps are probably the two most worked locomotives on the roster. This was taken on the special sci-fi Halloween run. Not to worry, the BEEPs were not harmed in the making of this image!
The Wingerter Halo Belt Line Railroad - Beep Equipped!