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LIRR/ LONG ISLAND "Dashing Dan" LIRR/LONG ISLAND LIRR/LONG ISLAND #4113-4114 LS&I/LK SUPERIOR & ISHPEMING CUSTOM RUN Pat's Trains in Wheeling, WV LV-LEHIGH VALLEY Flour Service LV/LEHIGH VALLEY M&E/MORRISTOWN & ERIE M.C. says...how cool I think it is! M.C. says...My husband and I received our Con Ed BEEPS today..WOW. M.F. says "CNJ BEEPs on Christmas layout. M.G. says...Beefs - great fun! M.G. says...I have well over a dozen of the BEEPs, M.J. says...Both my former shipmates are enjoying their Coast Guard caboose M.M. says...Keep up the good work at RMT! M.M.J. says...As usual, the artwork is great. M.P. says...I've watched quite of few videos with beeps and was/am very impressed. M.P. says...Thank you much for making O guage affordable and fun even on a small pike M.R. says...Here's a photo from my layout! M.S. says...As I promised here are the photos of my two favorite engines. As seen in the photos I hooked them together and they pull even better. Ive had Lionel engines for quite a while but these BEEPs are my new favorites. I plan to collect as many BEEPs as I can. M.S. says...I fell in love with these little work horses. I'm now obsessed with these little guys. I just purchased a Boston and Maine Beep too. M.S. says...I love the look of your products M.S. says...my little Alaska Beep Train. M.S. says...Very nice work on your July 4 site extravaganza. First class! M.W. says... sure like your products. Outstanding quality, many extras, superior paint, and very good price. Your RDC and Beep look great on the layout. Many thanks! M.W. says...I sure like your products. Outstanding quality, many extras, superior paint, and very good price. I have a large MARX layout and your RDC and Beep look great on the layout. Many thanks! MA & PA/MARYLAND & PENNSYLVANIA MARATHON OIL COMPANY MEC/MAINE CENTRAL MEC/MAINE CENTRAL MIDNIGHT SUN BEER Brewed in Fairbanks, Alaska MILW/MILWAUKEE MILW/MILWAUKEE ROAD MILW/MILWAUKEE ROAD MKT/KATY/MISSOURI-KANSAS-TEXAS MNCR/METRO NORTH COMMUTER RR MONSANTO CHEMICAL More of the Seabee Train Layout in Iraq! MOW/MAINTENANCE OF WAY MP/MISSOURI PACIFIC MStP&SSteM/SOO LINE CUSTOM RUN Pat's Trains in Wheeling, WV My Pennsy Beep & Peeps pulling into the station on my around the room ceiling layout . Love this stuff 🚂😎 Rusty N&W/NORFOLK & WESTERN N.W. says...I'm looking forward to purchasing more RMT equipment. NEW YORK CENTRAL PACEMAKER NH&I/NEW HOPE & IVYLAND Custom/Special Run Limited Edition for HENNING'S TRAINS in Lansdale, PA NH&I/NEW HOPE & IVYLAND RR - BUCKS COUNTY, PENNA FARMS- CUSTOM RUN for HENNING'S TRAINS in Lansdale, Pennsylvania NH/NEW HAVEN NJT/NEW JERSEY TRANSIT NN/NEVADA NORTHERN RR No Name