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J.E. says...Thank you for providing an entire line of wonderful products that promote the fun of toy trains. J.E.V.JR. says...THANK YOU FOR THE WONDERFUL FOURTH OF JULY TRIBUTE, I HAVE TO ADMIT THE TEARS FLOWED FREELY AS I WATCHED THE MOVIES. MY FATHER WAS AN IMMIGRANT FROM SICILY, HIS FAVORITE HOLIDAY WAS THE 4TH OF JULY, HE DIED ON JULY 3RD 25 YEARS AGO, AND HE WOULD HAVE ENJOYED YOUR TRIBUTE TO AMERICA. HAPPY FOURTH TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES. J.G. says...Got the Con Ed beep, great quality, great item.... I'm very happy, keep up the good work. Thanks!! J.G. says...Thanks again for offering great quality, priced right trains J.G.Jr. says..Money well spent. .I've purchased from RMT more than once. J.K. says...One of my Beeps -- went down the steps. Broke the coupler, cracked the shell. IT STILL RUNS!...just like the bunny. J.L. says...I was impressed by your historical research on the AEC BEEPs...Los Alamos was where the bomb cores were designed and assembled and Alamgordo was where the Trinity test of the plutonium bomb took place...the two places most directly associated with the Manhattan Project bombs, LANL and ATR, are reflected in the BEEPS. I was impressed by the detaining and how well they ran. Nice work. Looking forward to the AEC ore cars. J.L. says...II received the CNJ caboose order. They bring back memories my summer job on the CNJ. They are excellent products. I really like the lighting. J.M. says...I am enjoying the BEEPs so much my bigger Lionel and MTH power units are sitting in J.M. says...I do enjoy the product I have purchased from you. J.M. says...I just received a set of B&O coal cars as a present. They are really nice quality! J.M. says...I really enjoy the product line you're providing - keep up the good work! J.M. says...Keep making these great models! J.M. says...love them and the operation is just great. J.M. says...My Sante Fe Beefs are beautiful and run smooth J.M. says...My two RMT PRR RDC units arrived today, They operate flawlessly and look super, J.M.G. says...Received today, Friday, 7/20/07. Beautiful! You've made so many of us "model railroad nuts" happy with your well made products. Your products help us toget our "fix" even though we don't have a lot of room for a layout. J.P. says...I am thrilled with the operation of both the Beep and the Budd Car, both of which have drawn favorable comments from all who have seen my Christmas Tree layout in operation. J.P. says...LOVE YOUR PRODUCTS. J.P.S. says...Happy Fourth of July everyone. Walter great video's. J.R. says...Your products are THE BEST! now running 4 units on my layout. Would like to see Beef in Boston & Maine and Maine Central. J.S. says...I have had numerous dealings with this merchant. All my experiences have been met with a prompt, professional and most of all, personal, friendly response. A pleasure to do business with folks like them. J.S. says...I want to get rid of my Lionel equipment and buy some more diesels and rolling stock from you!! J.S. says...I was up early to look at your web site, which is the first one I view. It was a real great website to honor our military and our country. J.S. says...I'm a big admirer of your products. Also, as a veteran, I really appreciate everything you did for Chief Prucnal and the Seabees over Christmas 2005. You really are a class act! J.S. says...Just bought one of your LIRR Buddys for my son this Saturday (Sept. 1st,, 2007). He's 6. Your future is secure since I've NEVER seen him so excited over a "Train" in his or my life! J.T. Jr. says...I am very pleased with the line of BEEPs, I am looking foward to buying a J.V. also says...I gave the extra set of coal hoppers to Mr. Parsons (President -W&LE RR) and he was very pleased. He has them proudly displayed in his office. He said to tell you thanks a million, that was very kind and he really appreciates it. J.V. says... received my Atlantic Coast Line -104 Beep engine today...it's a work of art! They just keep getting better and better. J.V. says...The diesel, caboose and coal hopper sets arrived yesterday and I was thrilled! My husband worked for N&W, N&S and WLE - so as an old railroader he loved them too! J.W. says...they look great J.W. says...Within an hour of our telephone conversation yesterday, Mr. UPS delivered the package containing my Alaska RR Beep and Buddy. This is the first time I’ve gotten a close-up view of a Beep and I am very impressed by the level of detail included and the crispness of the paint. I didn’t have an opportunity to run either unit yesterday but I hope to get to that today or tomorrow. The thought of adding a second Buddy with four motors powering the two plastic bodied RDCs is intriguing. I intend to test the Buddy pulling some rolling stock to see how powerful the two motors are. I may come up with some type of baggage car or RPO to pull with it. Thank you for coming up with such an affordable, highly detailed and unique addition to the toy train world. JAX BEER Brewed in Jacksonville, Florida JFR says...Wow! Another great example of how it is that we start out collecting trains and end up collecting friends! JH says...a photo of your Christmas Beep on my Christmas layout. JPS says...my (toy train) enthusiasm has been rekindled because of Walt Matuch and READY MADE TRAINS. His trains are beautiful and of great quality. Not only I enjoy them but my whole family enjoys them. I run RMT trains 90% of the time. JUMBO BEER Brewed in Detroit, Michigan CUSTOM RUN for PAT'S TRAINS in Wheeling, West Virginia Just some of our boys with their toys! K. says...It’s the greatest little red caboose ever made! K.H. says...they are my favorite freight cars! K.S. says...the minute I saw them, I knew they would be a great addition to my layout. K.Y. says...A VERY NICE PRODUCT. LOOKS GOOD AND RUNS GOOD. I AM ALWAYS SATISFIED WITH DOING BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY. I JUST WISH THEY WOULD COME OUT WITH MORE PRODUCTS SO THAT I COULD BUY MORE. L&N/LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE L&NE/LEHIGH & NEW ENGLAND L&NE/LEHIGH & NEW ENGLAND RR L. B. says...Thank you for making them. L.& J.S. said...It runs "GREAT" and my son & I are very pleased with you, your company and your "CUSTOMER SERVICE" L.B. says...the Marine train is the first gift I ever got him that seemed to make him happy. L.G says...Today is the first time I looked up your website. I was, at 61 years of age, impressed by your Americanism. It's not often you see that now a days like you did when I was growing up in the 50's. Keep it up! L.M. says...were very delighted with the finished product.