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BNSF/BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE BOXCAR 40ft PS-1 STYLE Many More Roadnames to be announced including Un-catalogued Custom Runs for RMT dealers. * UPDATE January 13, 2025 *Select Roadnames NOW IN STOCK at hobby store dealers ! BR&W - BLACK RIVER & WESTERN RR BR&W-BLACK RIVER & WESTERN RR - BUSH DAIRY, FLEMINGTON, NJ BR&W/BLACK RIVER & WESTERN #1965 BS/BETHLEHEM STEEL BUDDY- CHRISTMAS #Santa Claus-3 BUDDY- CHRISTMAS #SANTA CLAUS-4 BUDDY- HALLOWEEN #1031 BUDDY- LIRR/LONG ISLAND #1834 "175th Anniversary" BUDDY- LIRR/LONG ISLAND #2009 "175th Anniversary" BUSHKILL BEER Brewed in Easton, Pennsylvania C&NW/CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN "Employee Owned" in ZITO YELLOW C&O CHESAPEAKE & OHIO 'The Chessie' CUSTOM RUN for PAT's TRAINS in Wheeling, WV C&O CHESAPEAKE & OHIO 'The Fast Flying Virginian' CUSTOM RUN for PAT's TRAINS in Wheeling, WV C&O CHESAPEAKE & OHIO 'The Sportsman' CUSTOM RUN for PAT's TRAINS in Wheeling, WV C.C. says... Kudos to the RMT shipping department. C.G. says...I would like to say how wonderful your product line has become. i have purchased a beep and it runs like a champ. C.L. says...I just received My Bangor & Aroostook Beep. The level of quality and detail never ceases to amaze me. I do own some engines with all the “Bells and Whistles” but the beeps are just as much fun to run and enjoy as anything else on my layout! I look forward to seeing the new “BANG” and I’m sure it will live up to it’s name. C.L. says...I just wanted to let you know how happy I am with your product. I just received my B&M Beep One day after I ordered it! The paint and the quality of the locomotive is excellent! I have a Pennsylvania Beep that I run on my new layout on the elevated track and it is the perfect size to run on that loop. C.P. says...I am really impressed the features and quality of your line. C.S. says... "Keep up the good work". C.S. says..."I love these trains!!!" CABOOSE - US MARINES #1110 CABOOSE - BETH STEEL #C-03 CABOOSE - BETH STEEL #C-04 CABOOSE - BETHLEHEM STEEL-LACKAWANNA #C-15 CABOOSE - BETHLEHEM STEEL-LACKAWANNA #C-16 CABOOSE - BNSF #12580 CABOOSE - BOSTON & MAINE #C-26 CABOOSE - CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN #12463 CABOOSE - LONG ISLAND/LIRR #C-73 CABOOSE - MP/MISSOURI PACIFIC #13233 CABOOSE - NEW HAVEN #C-531 CABOOSE - NORFOLK & WESTERN #530343 CABOOSE - NYSW/SUSQUEHANNA #0111 CABOOSE - PENN-READING SEASHORE #233 CABOOSE - PRSL/PENN-READING SEASHORE #234 CABOOSE - ROCK ISLAND #17048 CABOOSE - US Army #1205 CABOOSE - W&LE/WHEELING & LAKE ERIE #203 CANCER CURE CHESSIE-B&O CUSTOM RUN Pat's Trains in Wheeling, WV CHESSIE-C&O CUSTOM RUN Pat's Trains in Wheeling, WV CHESSIE-WM CUSTOM RUN Pat's Trains in Wheeling, WV CHESSIE/CSX/CHESAPEAKE & OHIO CHOO CHOO BARN - CUSTOM RUN FOR CHOO CHOO BARN Train Store in Strasburg, PA CHOO CHOO BARN - CUSTOM RUN for CHOO CHOO BARN Train Store in Strasburg, PA CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS BEER Brewed in Huntington, West Virginia CUSTOM RUN for Pat's Trains in Wheeling, WV.