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CHRISTMAS/NP&SF/NORTH POLE & SNOWFLAKE RR - CUSTOM RUN NEW YORK ELECTRIC TRAINS in Manorville, NY CI&L/MONON CUSTOM RUN Pat's Trains in Wheeling, WV CN/CANADIAN NATIONAL CNJ PROJECT 113 - Custom Run-Limited Edition RR PROJECT 113 in Minersville, PA CNJ-HIGH IRON FARM DAIRY, Bloomsbury, NJ CNJ-JERSEY CENTRAL PS-1 75,000th Car CNJ/JERSEY CENTRAL CNJ/JERSEY CENTRAL LINES CNW-CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN CNW/CHICAGO & NORTHWEATERN CON-ED/CONSOLIDATED EDISON-NY CITY COPPER RANGE-Black Custom Run for Pat's Trains in Wheeling, WV COPPER RANGE-Brown Special Custom Run/Limited Edition for Pat's Trains in Wheeling, WV CP/CANADIAN PACIFIC CP/CANADIAN PACIFIC CPKC - CANADIAN PACIFIC KANSAS CITY RR - 2024 Steam Tour CR/CONRAIL CUSTOMER COMMENTS PHOTOS and VIDEO! D&H/DELAWARE & HUDSON D.B. says..."Holy Cow " !!!, This beep is really a piece of WORK, it looks fantastic. D.B. says...(BANG S-4 diesel) it's a real sharp looking engine. D.B. says...Thank you so very much for your outstanding, appropriate and timely website conversion in honor of the Fourth of July, Mr. Matuch! You are a true patriot; everyone who sees this will enjoy sending it's address on to friends. Happy Independence Day! D.B. says...Thanks for the great products!!! D.B. says...WOW , Love it. D.C says...I would not hesitate to recommend RMT products to anyone looking for +a reliable product and great customer service. Thanks again. D.D. says...my kids and I enjoy our B&M BEEP! D.D. says...two of them (B&M + MEC BEEPs) can pull just about all the freight cars we have! D.F. says...I enjoy all of the Bethlehem Steel models. D.F. says...I have enjoyed my Beeps a lot and plan on buying more. D.F. says...I really love the beeps and now the beefs. D.F. says...PRR Beef's & they look great. D.H. says...Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your Ready Made Toy products. D.L. says... more importantly love my new Beep recently purchased. I am very pleased to add it to the fleet of my "Old King Coal RailWorks" mobile railroad display. D.M. says... My BEEPs run ABOVE my Christmas Tree!!! D.M. says...My BEEPs even run UPSIDE DOWN! D.M. says...This was my first order from this dealer so I didnt know what to expect. Being an ex-Marine I was so excited when I opened my U.S. Marine engine and caboose. They are beautiful. The detailing is wonderful. D.N. says...The cars lettered for PRSL ( I'm from South Jersey ) are great D.O. says...I really like them, great runners and they're fun. D.O. says...Just wanted you to know that I really am pleased with my new C-26 B&M Caboose (RMT-CAB-421). I think the marker lights are really neat! D.P. says...I have just acquired my first RMT Beeps. They are, in fact, my first RMT products. I must say that I am impressed with the quality and performance. D.R. says...the quiet-running BEEP (is) my cat's favorite locomotive. D.R. says...Their products are first rate: great design and quality. D.S. says...The BEEPs are just cute and fun. D.T says...Your Beeps are a great idea and fun. I will run my Navy engine and caboose with my model of my Korean Landing Boat[LCM] mounted on a flatcar. D.V. says...Excellently-made, low-priced toys. They will be staples on my layouts for years. They are the only O gauge company to support the low-end of the train market. Their product shows you dont have to spend a fortune to have fun. A great little company. D.V.S. says...fantastic piece, nice work! DEEP ROCK OIL DL&W/LACKAWANNA DM says...Pictured is my PRR beep doing commuter service. I love those little guys, great value and can't wait for a set of peeps and the beef!! Thanks RMT! DOGGIE DINNER